Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Knitting Right Along!

Wooohooo! That’s pretty much all I have to say about the knitting progress...which is a good thing! Between Family Day, Mother’s Day Celebrations and church, I was pleasantly surprised with many chances to knit this weekend. The project is about halfway to 2/3 of the way complete. And though I may be slightly biased, I think it's looking pretty good!

Taken while knitting at my doctor's appointment yesterday. I looked VERY mommy; knitting needles propped up on my big belly clicking away. :)

With every project there always seem to be a few speed bumps in the road. The other night I had finished knitting and was too tired and feeling too much like a beached whale to get out of bed and put my knitting back in our office. I rolled it around itself and laid it on the floor next to my nightstand. As I reached over to set the wakeup call on my phone, the charger’s cord clothes-lined the tall teal cup filled with water and sent it Niagara-falling over the edge of the nightstand. I jerked up with a yelp and rather loud, “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

My wonderful husband calmly threw the covers off, grabbed a towel and was already kneeling over the spill by the time I had heaved me and my preggo eggo out of bed. The water had soaked the Pouf Project, wetted a pregnancy magazine and dampened the top of an amazing book I’m reading about escape attempts from Alcatraz. (While we were vacationaing in San Fransisco in March my husband and I visited Alcatraz. I was in history heaven! My love, knowing my adoration for books, bought me the book that I now dabbed frantically with the towel. Ironically, to pass time, many prisoners learned how to knit during their stay there, but I digress)

I was most concerned about the book, since I love my books like children, but all was wiped up and no damage was done. Crisis One, averted.

The next day I realized that I was almost out of yarn. On my way home from work I stopped at Michael’s to get another skein. Lo and behold, they had discontinued that particular color of yarn in that particular brand. I just stood there for a while looking at the empty bin, wondering how a half green, half another color pouf would look. I decided to take my chances and try another Michaels on the other side of town. They had the yarn!

For whatever reason, this store was still carrying it. With another coupon, I marched triumphantly out of Michaels with a $5.12 perfectly matched skein of yarn. Crisis Two, averted! (Just as a side note: if you have an Smartphone, you can get apps for craft stores like Michaels, JoAnn Crafts, etc, and you will always have coupons handy. It’s super easy and helps prevent you from forgetting the newspaper coupon clipping)

Life is so much about adjusting, finding solutions, and being flexible as we encounter different challenges. They say hindsight is 20/20 but, I'd say hindsight is what you make it. Looking back you have several options: to let a setback or obstacle poison your present or prepare you for the future. You can be sure the future will be set with more hiccups and learning how you respond, how to adjust and how to look back on laugh could be invaluable.

Above all else, the world will keep on turning and with each day remember, "Because of the Lord's great mercies we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning." (Lamentations 3:22-23) Every morning is a new morning, afresh with new challenges, but more than anything afresh with new grace and mercies to meet those challenges and conquer the ones from the past.

So let the progress continue! I believe that within two days Project Pouf will be done and stuffed. I cannot wait to share pictures of that process! J

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