However, I am happy to say...big breath in...Project Pouf is COMPLETE. Woohoo! Two skeins of yarn, 90 rows and an "almost" all-nighter with my husband at work later, I have an adorable and fun pouf/pillow/cushion for our son's nursery. I can't wait to see him climbing all over the pouf, using it to prop his head while he reads, throwing it at his not-yet-conceived siblings. I can't wait!
Here are the remaining pictures of Project Pouf (slightly humorous was the stuffing process, but totally worth the effort). I would recommend to anyone attempting their own pouf to maybe look into getting a slightly thicker yarn. Once I stuffed the pouf, I realized you can see the white pillows pretty clearly through the seams. I actually really like this look since our son's nursery is green, navy, gray and white. However, if you want a more solid pouf, I'd recommend getting a thicker yarn.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy and the best of luck making your own pouf! :)
The final tools: the two white fluffy, the knitted rectangle, large plastic kneedles, fine yarn, and a crochet hook.
(I had all the materials except the large plastic needles which cost 2.00)
I threaded a large plastic needle with some a good doubled length of the fine yarn and stitched in large basic running stitch across the top and the bottom. Then, I cinched it to form the two gathers. (That odd looking ball of yarn is what I set aside in the very beginning of the project)
My darling husband helping me stuff the pouf with the two fluffy Ikea pillows. As you can see the shape is...intersting. Haha!
With the crochet hook I stitched up the hole with the left over yarn. (A little trick that might help you if you think you may forget to save some yarn for this step: when you are getting ready to cast on in the very beginning, use more yarn than you need and then knot it at the beginning of the first row so while you're knitting you already have yarn set aside.
The finished pouf from above! After stuffing it, sewing it up and fluffing it out. I love it!
Project Pouf is COMPLETE! I love it! For a grand total od $19.13 I have a wonderful little addition to the nursery. :)
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